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Thursday, June 25, 2015

Organizing Masters in Nursing Degree Online Course Work

Keeping track of all the material from online course work can feel like “hoarding”! If you use an electronic file system, no one will ever know –smile-.  Start with an electronic file for each course you take.  Name the file with  the course number, underscore, and an abbreviation of the course name (Eg. 504_Theory).  Inside that course “file folder”, create files for each week’s lesson and associated topic, for example Week1_QualitativeResch  (note:  if you just name the file folders by week 1, 2, 3 etc., it is more difficult to retrieve the information for future use-like finding information to study for an exam or to apply when writing a paper).  

The next thing to do is organize all reference material using software such as EBSCO (library databases). There is also a program called “End Note” which costs money, but can also help ensure you have referenced every citation in a longer paper.   Use the free reference management system, EBSCO via the library access, that is the best bet.

EBSCO host reference services
You access your university’s electronic library and select a data base such as “Academic Search Premier” or CINAHL.  Once you query an article, you will be in EBSCO host.  This system allows you to set up an account.  Every time you “log in” to the EBSCO host database (with the account you set up) you will have the ability to create a “Folder”.  As you do your  literature searches, add key articles to your “Folder”.  You can then export the articles selecting APA formatting to MS Word, for your own automatic reference list.  You can continue to add articles through-out your MSN online program by simply updating your MS Word file with the most recent articles you have found, which have been placed in your EBSCO account folder.

The greatest advantage of electronic files is that there is no file cabinet or “desk mess” to see how much information and material you are keeping…….”just in case”.
Dr. Maggie